academy of family medicine in Malaysia

Home Remedies For Certain Ailments

The academy of family medicine in Malaysia may help you gain the knowledge of understanding and treating the well being of both children and adults as families, but as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Still, what if you don’t have to spend on medicines and rely on your household ingredients to treat your ailments instead?

It is possible, but there are steps that should be taken to ensure that the application of home remedies are effective. If your condition still persists after some time, that is when you should definitely see a doctor to get yourself diagnosed and prescribed meds. Worse case scenario, the cough you had might be a symptom of a serious illness.

Now what are the remedies that you can find and use at home to treat certain ailments?


Turmeric is a spice from a flowering plant called Curcuma longa, which belongs in the ginger family. It is a main ingredient of curry powder, but it is also beneficial for medicinal uses. For 4000 years, it is used as Ayurvedic medicine in parts of Southeast Asia.

Turmeric is effective against pain and inflammation thanks to a chemical called curcumin, which patients with arthritis pain are said to feel more relieved when taking 500g of curcumin compared to 50g of diclofenac sodium, an anti-inflammatory medicine.

If your knee is suffering from osteoarthritis, turmeric works as effectively as a painkiller like ibuprofen. Do not ever grind turmeric though, since it stains heavily. Besides, a turmeric latte also works and it absorbs better when you add black pepper in it.


academy of family medicine in Malaysia is sweet

Honey is helpful in relieving cough and sore throats, and it is also helpful to your child that is still too young to drink cough medicine for now. Honey can also reduce the risk of getting a heart disease and relieve gastrointestinal tract conditions if you are having diarrhea.

Besides, honey is also a natural ointment for burn wounds, though make sure that it is medical grade.

If you have a baby up to one year old and below, do not feed them honey at all. This can introduce a rare but serious condition called infant botulism. Bacteria from the spores can grow and multiply in your baby’s intestines as a dangerous toxin.

Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, which can provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to your cells.

By improving chemo-weakened immune systems, it is also possible to fight cancer with the help of lentinan. Overall, your immune system can be boosted when eating five to 10g of shiitake everyday.


Ginger is a prominent remedy in Asian countries when treating stomach aches, diarrhea and nausea, but not everyone can use ginger. You may get some of these effects instead if you turn out to be incompatible with it. Talk to a doctor first and see whether ginger is acceptable for you or not.

Green tea

Aside from making you as calm as a samurai in a Japanese tea ceremony, green tea also keeps you awake and provides antioxidants that can boost your resistance to diseases and protect your cells. It may also lower the chances of getting heart diseases and certain cancers like skin, lung, breast and colon.

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